Welcome to Our Community

Greetings from the Community at Memorial Drive Lutheran Church!

We’d love to know you, hear your story, and help you develop your faith and gifts. Join us for worship or reach out and let’s get coffee sometime! Christ is the one who is forming our community and he welcomes everyone—people of every race, culture, and citizenship; people who are gay, lesbian, transgender, and straight; people who are poor and rich; people who are healthy and sick; people who practice our religion and people who don’t. We strive to be like Christ—recognizing in one another human beings created in the image of God and deserving of recognition, dignity, and acceptance. We are also fallible and sometimes fail—and that’s ok. God loves everyone and we are trying, too!

Keep up-to-date with us by following us on Facebook or signing up for our weekly e-mails.

—Pastor Will Storm and the MDLC Community